Selasa, 29 Maret 2011

Waiting for love

You, the man who i called ... (censor)
Do you know how much i love u?

I always remember everything that we ever do
The first time you came to my home,
The time we spend together, the date, and more.
We also spend our vocation together,
I was in love with you.

Moreover, your parent very love me,
They always given me a call everyday, 
they said that i would be their family.

But, thats all meaningless for you...!
You never regard my presence in your life.
Sometimes you got really closer to me,
and makes me fly in the air.
But then you push me away,
and makes me cry.

This is so hard for me,
I can’t understand what you feel inside.
You ever say that you never leave me.

So, if you want me in your life
Say it, and i will belong to you.

But, if you won’t,
Let me know,
or don’t ever say you won’t !!

i'm still waiting,
 and be patient of waiting,
until you say that you ........

My Graduation

2006, i was choosed a lecture of Chemical Engineering in Univesity of Lambung mangkurat. The lesson was so damn hard, and i’ve studied harder to got a great scorers on every my examination. 

And thanks Allah, i never got a bad  score under C. Also my mom and my lil sista, thanks for your  support and spirit, love you mom..
Now, i’ve become a bachelor, with ST behind my name, and i hope it can used smartly :)

Kamis, 10 Maret 2011

the past

A first love
it was so sweet,
it was so deep,
he was soooo..
  • But, we are like dominoes
  • I fall for You,
  • You fall for another

and thats hurts me so damn!

  • i'be lying if i told you
  • losing you is somehting i could be handle
so this i goodbye then
so this is really it then
so you're really moved on then

now, i'm good, i'm gone
i'm long gone, and moved on

i'm going to smile like nothing is wrong
i'm going to talk like everything is perfect
i'm going to act like it's all just a dream
i'm going to pretend like its not hurting me

 When love seems to fade, only a little faith that we need. 
A faith that believes everything will be fine and great in the end.
A faith that someone else gonna give you a batter love.

now,just waiting for a new love
every goodbye, makes next hello closer

i welcome you, love

Senin, 07 Maret 2011


ini adalah pertama kalinya aku menulis blog ttg kehidupanku sendiri, org2 disekitarku dan lingkunganku. mungkin emang agak terlambat, tp bagiku "late still better than never".. Beda dengan blog2 yang sudah ada, disini aku tak menulis ttg ilmu pengetahuan,iptek atau apalah (ada di blog yg satunya), pokoke ini hanya ttg aku dan duniaku :)
penulisan ini masih berlangsung di kosku di banjarbaru, yang sebentar lagi akan kutinggalkan. Bukan karena diusir bapa kos karena telat bayar kos, tp lebih karena aku akan wisuda tgl 23 maret ini, yippiee,, akhirnya ..
eits, jangan kira ntu foto foto didpn kos ku. butuh duit sekarung kl mau ngekos diperumahan elit gitu, aku cuma numpang foto di komplek elit deket sini (pengakuan bodoh).
yup, this is my other blog, enjoy it :)